Career and College Promise pathways are only available to high school students.
Humanities/Fine Arts/Com options (6 total credits required from 2 subjects minimum):
ART 111 , ART 114 , ART 115 , COM 120 , COM 231 , DRA 111 , ENG 231 , ENG 232 ,
ENG 241 , ENG 242 , MUS 110 , MUS 112 , PHI 240
Natural Sciences options (8 total credits required, select 1 group): AST 151 , AST 151A ,
GEL 111 ; AST 151 , AST 151A , PHY 110 , and PHY 110A ; BIO 111 and BIO 112 ;
CHM 151 and CHM 152 ; GEL 111 , PHY 110 , and PHY 110A ; PHY 151 and PHY 152 ;
PHY 251 and PHY 252
Social/Behavioral Sciences options (3 Credits): ECO 251 , ECO 252 , HIS 111 , HIS 112 ,
HIS 131 , HIS 132 , POL 120 , PSY 150 , or SOC 210