2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transitional Studies

Transitional Studies Department offers educational opportunities at no cost to Pitt County citizens who wish to improve basic academic skills that would enable them to be more successful in today’s workplace. Adult Basic Education (ABE), Adult Secondary Education (ASE), and English Language Acquisition (ELA) provide foundational instruction in reading, writing, math, speaking, listening, and technology in the context of careers, career exploration, workplace literacy, college enrollment, and postsecondary training. Programs are available to address varying student needs and interests. All classes are offered at no cost to the student. Students who enroll in the Transitional Studies programs must be 18 years or older and not enrolled in public school. 16 and 17-year olds may enroll with parental permission and appropriate documentation.

Ability to Benefit Policy

Pitt CC’s Transitional Studies Ability to Benefit policy applies to students enrolled in these programs. Students must be able to take a National Reporting System-approved test (such as TABE or CASAS) achieving a valid score in order to enroll, and they must make progress toward identified goals within two years of enrollment.

Career and College Connections (Basic Skills Plus)

This program, including Basic Skills Plus, provides students with the opportunity for concurrent enrollment to pursue specific career training (in either Continuing Education courses or curriculum courses) while completing their high school equivalency credentials. Instruction in basic education in the context of the specific careers, employability skills, occupational and technical skills, as well as college and career readiness instruction may be part of the programming. The college may waive tuition and registration fees associated with this program or scholarships may be available.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

ABE is designed for adults who need to improve communication (reading, writing, speaking), numeracy, computation, and problem-solving skills necessary to function effectively in society, in employment, or in the family. Some classes provide basic literacy level instruction, while others prepare for the high school equivalency test or Adult High School diploma. All classes provide reading, writing, and math instruction in the context of workforce readiness and careers. Instruction provides adults with sufficient basic education to enable them to benefit from job training and retraining programs and to obtain and retain productive employment so that they might fully enjoy the benefits and responsibilities of citizenship. Computer-assisted and distance instruction are available to supplement instruction for students working toward their goals. Classes are available throughout the Pitt County service area, both days and evenings, and may have co-sponsors such as community agencies, churches, businesses, or schools.

Adult Secondary Education (ASE)

Adult High School Diploma (AHS)
AHS provides course work for adults who wish to earn a high school diploma through course credit completion not previously earned in a traditional high school setting. The program consists of core courses required by the NC Department of Public Instruction along with electives required by the local publicschool system and the community college. Students who successfully complete all program requirements will receive an Adult High School Diploma issued jointly by Pitt County Schools and Pitt Community College. Students wishing to enter AHS may contact the Transitional Studies office for more information.

High School Equivalency (HSE)
Adult residents of North Carolina who have not completed high school may earn a High School Equivalency Diploma by passing a battery of tests. Students may choose to take the GED® (General Educational Development tests), HiSET (High School Equivalency Tests), or TASC (Tests of Adult Secondary Completion). The State Board of the North Carolina Community College System awards this diploma. Classes are available through the Adult Secondary Education Program offeredmorning, afternoons, and evenings, both on- and off- campus -to provide instruction for preparation for these tests. There are fees associated with the tests. Contact the Transitional Studies office for more information.

Distance Education

Distance Learning opportunities to improve English and/or academic skills, prepare for HSE tests, prepare for post-secondary training enrollment, and/or prepare for college entry are available as both hybrid and regular distance classes. Students may request distance learning as a supplement to their instruction or instead of traditional classes only if they have a valid placement test score in reading and/or math. It is recommended that distance learning students be functioning at least at an adult intermediate high academic level (or Level 4 as defined by National Reporting System). Each distance learning program requires a minimum weekly attendance in order for students to remain active in the program.

Workplace Literacy

Workplace literacy is a program of instruction designed for adults in the workplace. In conjunction with employers, instruction fits the needs of adult learners who seek to improve reading, writing, math, speaking, listening, and technology skills to enhance performance on the job, on high school equivalency or college entry requirements. Classes may be available on the jobsite.

English Language Acquisition (ELA)

ELA instructs adults whose primary language is not English. The program helps adults improve their English reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. All ELA courses help adults become literate and obtain the knowledge and necessary skills for employment, for economic self-sufficiency, and to further their education. Classes range from beginning to advanced levels. Instruction in U.S. citizenship, TOEFL preparation, transition to high school equivalency and workforce preparation are also available.

Transition Learning Center (TLC)

The TLC is available to adults who wish to have additional access beyond the regular classes available for improving reading, writing, math, speaking, listening, and technology skills as well as prepare for high school equivalency tests. The Center offers individualized instruction in an open lab format and provides a wealth of resources for the adult learner. Students may use textbooks, computers, DVDs, and other materials to assist in their learning. Distance Learning opportunities are also available through the TLC. Contact the Transitional Studies office for hours of operation and additional information. ACE opportunities are also available through the TLC, see below for more information.

Career Academy

Career Academy provides intensive basic academic instruction in the context of career development, career exploration, and employability skills to students who have difficulties or challenges in learning. Students completing the academy receive a certificate of completion that they may then use to assist in job attainment. Career modules and topics provide hands-on and experience-based learning opportunities in a variety of career paths.

Achieving College Entry (ACE)

ACE is offered to any high school or HSE graduate or HSE neargraduate to provide academic review and refreshment for college entry, take and achieve credit for required transition courses prior to college enrollment, assist in navigating financial aid application and college application, and address other challenges for preparing for college enrollment. This free program is available throughout each program year. Individualized learning opportunities through the TLC are also available for students needing additional instruction.