2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition, Fees, and Other Expenses; Financial Aid

Tuition, Fees, and Other Expenses

Financial support from local, state, and federal sources allows each student an educational opportunity at minimum cost. The North Carolina General Assembly sets tuition, which is subject to change without notice. Textbooks, fees, and supplies are additional expenses, which vary according to the program of study.

The payment of all fees is required at the time of registration. Any student who does not pay fees will have their schedule purged from all classes. Students may not attend class until tuition is paid. American currency is the only acceptable form of payment for tuition, fees, and other expenses.


Please Note: The North Carolina General Assembly sets tuition, which is subject to change without notice.

Fall, Spring, and Summer Semester Full-time Tuition

All North Carolina residents enrolled for sixteen (16) or more curricular credit hours receive a maximum tuition charge of $1,216.00 per semester ($76.00 per credit hour).

Part-Time Tuition

The tuition charge for North Carolina resident curricular students is $76.00 times the number of credit hours for which the student enrolls. Example: Six (6) credit hours x $76.00 equals $456.00.

Audit Students

Audit students must pay the same tuition rates as other students.

Internet Students

Tuition and fees for students enrolled in classes via the Internet are the same as the tuition and fees for students enrolled in traditional classrooms.

Out-of-State Students

The entrance requirements and admission procedures for persons who reside outside North Carolina are the same as for residents. Tuition for non-residents will not exceed $4,288.00 per semester for full-time enrollment. For part-time students, the fee is $268.00 per credit hour.

New Centralized Residency Process

In 2013, the North Carolina General Assembly (SB 402) instructed the educational entities in North Carolina to work collaboratively to create a centralized process for determining residency for the purpose of tuition and administration of state financial aid. These entities included the University of North Carolina General Administration (UNCGA), the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS), the North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU), and the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA).

College Foundation, Inc. (CFI) was selected by these educational entities to help develop the statewide Residency Determination Service. The agency’s selection was based on their experience and expertise in executing annual updates to a majority of the North Carolina college and university admissions applications, as well as managing the dissemination of state grants to students attending North Carolina public and private institutions, CFI was also selected to serve as the administrator of the Residency Determination Service.

Under the leadership of the Higher Education Collaborative Advisory Committee (HECAC), representatives from the North Carolina education entities worked together for approximately three years to develop the Central Residency Determination Service. Pitt Community College implemented RDS on October 23, 2017.

The Residency Determination Service will provide four separate processes to reach a residency classification. Most students will only be required to complete the Initial Consideration process. The Reconsideration and Appeal processes are for those students who experience a change in circumstances (reconsideration) or who have not had a change in status and believe their residency classification is incorrect (appeal).

All students, parents, faculty, staff, and constituents of the North Carolina Community College System should refer to the Residency website at www.ncresidency.org for more current details regarding the North Carolina Residency Determination Service, processes and required residency guidelines.

Fees and Other Expenses

All tuition and fees must be paid in the Cashier’s Office located in the Craig F. Goess Building. The Cashier’s Office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Special hours apply during summer term and registration periods. For further information about fees, contact the Cashier’s Office at (252) 493-7234.

Student Activity Fee

A student activity fee for all students will be charged during the fall and spring semesters at a rate of $26.00 per semester and $20.00 during the summer semester. This rate is subject to change without notice.

Technology Fee

The student technology fee for all students will be charged at a rate of $32.00 per semester. This rate is subject to change without notice.

Accident Insurance

Accident insurance, covering hours in school and transportation between PCC and school supervised and sponsored activities, is required at a minimum cost per semester. Students must submit claims for injury covered under the accident insurance provisions immediately, but in no instance later than 30 days, in order to expect coverage. Report all accidents to the Assistant Vice President of Student Support within 24 hours of the accident. The premium for accident insurance is subject to change annually.

Professional Liability Insurance

Students enrolled in various programs are required to purchase professional liability insurance and encouraged to purchase health insurance prior to clinical practice or work-based learning experiences also used to support access to the college’s infrastructure by distance education students. The access fee is mandatory for all students. The access fee is $15.00 for fall and spring semesters and $10.00 for the Summer Term. For noncurriculum students the access fee is $2.00 per semester.

Transcript Fee

Official transcripts are available at a rate of $5.00 per transcript. Unofficial transcripts are provided free of charge. This rate is subject to change without notice. Transcripts can be requested at the National Student Clearinghouse. Students can choose to receive transcripts through electronic delivery, U.S. Postal mail, or picked up in person.

Textbooks and Supplies

The cost of textbooks and supplies varies according to the program of study. Students receive this information when they register for classes via a link on our website. These items are available for purchase from the College Store. The College Store hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Special hours exist at the beginning of each semester. Business hours are posted on the College Store door and bulletin boards throughout the campus.

Inclusive Access Fees

Some textbook and/or supply feesmay be included when a student pays tuition. The Inclusive Access program includes a fee that provides students with the materials needed for class.

Lab Fees

Lab fees (in the amount of $3.75 per lab hour) are charged for classes, which require special equipment or supplies.

Returned Check Fees

A returned check fee of $25.00 applies for checks received by the college that have been returned for nonsufficient funds or other reasons.

Tuition and Fees Effective 2023 Fall Semester

Resident Student

Credit Hours Cost per Credit Hour Activity Fee* Technology Fee Access Fee* Accident Insurance Total Amount+
1 $76.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $150.00
2 $152.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $226.00
3 $228.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $302.00
4 $304.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $378.00
5 $380.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $454.00
6 $456.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $530.00
7 $532.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $606.00
8 $608.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $682.00
9 $684.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $758.00
10 $760.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $834.00
11 $836.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $910.00
12 $912.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $986.00
13 $988.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $1,062.00
14 $1,064.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $1,138.00
15 $1,140.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $1,214.00
16 $1,216.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $1,290.00

*Note: For summer term, the Activity Fee is reduced to $20.00 and the Access fee is reduced to $10.00.
+Note: Some classes may have additional fees.
**Tuition is set by the N.C. General Assembly and is subject to change without notice.

Non-Resident Student

Credit Hours Cost per Credit Hour Activity Fee* Technology Fee Access Fee* Accident Insurance Total Amount+
1 $268.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $342.00
2 $536.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $610.00
3 $804.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $878.00
4 $1,072.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $1,146.00
5 $1,340.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $1,414.00
6 $1,608.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $1,682.00
7 $1,876.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $1,950.00
8 $2,144.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $2,218.00
9 $2,412.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $2,486.00
10 $2,680.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $2,754.00
11 $2,948.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $3,022.00
12 $3,216.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $3,290.00
13 $3,484.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $3,558.00
14 $3,752.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $3,826.00
15 $4,020.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $4,094.00
16 $4,288.00 $26.00 $32.00 $15.00 $1.00 $4,362.00

*Note: For summer term, the Activity Fee is reduced to $20.00 and the Access fee is reduced to $10.00.
+Note: Some classes may have additional fees.
**Tuition is set by the N.C. General Assembly and is subject to change without notice.

Refund Policy

The College is authorized to refund tuition under the regulations set forth by the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges (IE SBCCC900.1) which state that a refund shall not be made except under the following circumstances:

  1. A 100% refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws prior to the first day of class(es) of the academic term as noted in the college calendar. In addition, a student is eligible for a 100% refund if the class in which the student is officially registered fails to “make” due to insufficient enrollment.
  2. A 75% refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws from the class(es) prior to or on the official 10% point of the term.
  3. For classes that do not meet for the entire term, a 100% refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws from the class prior to the first class meeting. A 75% refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws from the class prior to or on the 10% point of the class.

All curriculum tuition refunds will be mailed.

The refund policy is set by the North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges and is subject to change without notice. Activity, technology, access, and insurance fees are nonrefundable.


Students prepaying and dropping all classes prior to the first day of classes as published in the school calendar of the term involved will receive a full refund of all fees.

Students desiring a tuition refund prior to or on the 10% point of the class are asked to follow the steps listed below:

  1. Obtain a Drop/Add form from a Student Success Advisor, Academic Advisor or the Admissions and Records Office.
  2. Submit completed form to the Admissions and Records Office.
  3. Distance education students who cannot come to the Admissions and Records Office may contact that office via their official myPittCC email account. Only requests made through the official PCC email account will be honored.

Students that prepay and then officially withdraw from the College may receive a full refund of tuition and fees if the official withdrawal is completed before the first day of classes as published in the school calendar of the term involved.

If a student pre-registers using Title IV Financial Aid funds and/or scholarships funds and fails to maintain measurable SAP resulting in the termination of financial aid, then the College will credit the amount of tuition and fees to the specific Title IV program or scholarship from which the funds were originally allocated. The student will be responsible for any remaining balance on his or her account.

When a student who is a recipient of Title IV funds completely withdraws or is dismissed from Pitt Community College prior to the end of an academic period, the institution will determine whether and to what extent such student received an overpayment. This determination will be based upon the amount of tuition, fees, and miscellaneous expenses incurred by the student up to the last date of attendance reported by each instructor. Last dates of attendance are reported periodically each term. The final due date for last dates of attendance is the date grades are due. Once the student has been billed by the Financial Aid Office, the student will have fifteen business days to dispute the amount owed by contacting the instructor for any correction(s) to the last date of attendance. Notification of any balance due will be mailed to the address of record in the Admissions and Records Office. An email notification of the bill will also be sent to the student’s myPittCC email account.

Overpayment funds reimbursed to the institution by the student shall be credited to the specific Title IV program in accordance to Federal requirements. Students who owe money for Title IV funds will be referred to the US Department of Education for collection. Students who owe state funds will be referred to the NC Department of Revenue for collection. Students must repay funds to the institution within 45 calendar days to avoid overpayment referral.

Policy for Military Members Called to Active Duty Status While Enrolled

Upon the request of the student, PCC will grant a full refund of tuition and fees to active duty military personnel who are called to active duty or who have received temporary or permanent reassignment making it impossible for them to complete their course requirements. This policy also applies to military reservists and National Guard personnel called to active duty. Student must submit a copy of their military orders to the Registrar’s office. The student will then be withdrawn from classes with a full refund of tuition and fees. The College bookstore will also buy back textbooks to the extent allowable under the bookstore’s buy back procedures. Coursework will be transcribed as an Official Withdrawal (OW) but will not count towards the eight Official Withdrawals allowed under PCC’s Official Withdrawal Policy. National Guard service members placed onto State active duty status while enrolled will be given an excused absence for the period of time the student is on active duty and will be allowed to make up any test or other work missed. In cases where work cannot be made up, (for example, for clinical requirements in Health Sciences programs that may not be rescheduled) students will receive a refund of tuition and fees for the course and will be allowed to re-enter the program and re-enroll as soon as the class is offered again. Students must communicate with the course instructor before leaving on active duty and should consult with each instructor to develop a plan for making up missed tests or coursework.

Financial Aid

The goal of Pitt Community College’s Financial Aid Office is to assist students having financial need. Students and their families can apply online at https://studentaid.gov.  The FAFSA Application opens October 1 for the upcoming academic year, so students and/or parents will want to apply early.  This assistance may come in the form of grants, scholarships, student or parent loans and/or work opportunities.

Need is determined by evaluating the information provided on a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application. Factors such as household size, number in college, household income, assets, and benefits are considerations in determining the need for aid. The FAFSA produces an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) which is a pre-cursor to potential student award(s).  The amount of the actual award is determined once the Financial Aid Office receives the Student Aid Report (SAR). Eligible students will receive a financial aid package award consisting of grants, scholarships and loans, based on their financial need. In most cases, the package tries to meet most or all of the student’s “unmet need”. These packages are subject to the availability of funds.

To be eligible to receive financial aid, a student must enroll in an eligible curriculum program leading to a degree or diploma. Financial aid will only pay for courses that are required by the student’s current major. The student must maintain cumulative satisfactory academic progress and may not owe a repayment on a grant nor be in default on an educational loan. Students must also have a high school diploma from a high school recognized by the Department of Education or GED®.

The Financial Aid Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Summer hours may vary. The Financial Aid Office is located in the Craig F. Goess Student Center, Suite 100. For further information, contact the Financial Aid Office by calling Enrollment Services at 252-493-7245 or by email at pccfa@email.pittcc.edu.

Coordination of Institution-Wide Financial Aid Awards Policy

All federal and state financial aid funds are awarded through the Financial Aid Office. All institutional, PCC Foundation, and externally funded scholarships are awarded by the Institutional Advancement Office. Institutional General Scholarships are funded by the college’s auxiliary enterprises. To apply for an Institutional General Scholarship, students may submit the General Scholarship Application between February 1 through April 1 for the upcoming academic year. 

To apply for an institutional scholarship, all students must complete a FAFSA at:  https://studentaid.gov.  The FAFSA will assist the Institutional Advancement Office in determining need for the applicants submitting a General Application. The awarding of all types of financial aid is coordinated through the Financial Aid Office.

Financial Aid Fraud and Forgery

In the process of applying for financial aid, most students may be required to submit documents to the Financial Aid Office in order to complete their application. Please be aware that falsification and/or misrepresentation of information submitted, or upon receiving financial assistance, will result in the cancellation of future assistance, along with repayment of all prior assistance received under false pretense. Signing someone else’s name and falsification of income information are examples of fraud and forgery. If you purposely give false or misleading information to receive federal financial aid, you may be fined $20,000, sent to prison, or both.


Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grant is awarded based off of the information provided by the FAFSA each year.  The Federal Pell Grant awards help undergraduates pay for their education after high school. For many students, these grants provide a foundation of Financial Aid to which aid from other federal and non-federal sources may be added.

The Basic Law Enforcement Curriculum spans over two (2) terms but is considered one term (i.e. August to March); so financial aid is paid out for one term (usually in the fall term). 

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (F-SEOG)

A Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is for undergraduates with exceptional financial need (with priority given to Federal Pell Grant recipients). Schools receive a limited amount of funds for the FSEOG program. Once fund awards are exhausted, there will be no additional funds for the academic year. 

North Carolina Community College Grant

The North Carolina General Assembly approved the North Carolina Community College Grant in 1999 to assist residents of North Carolina to pay their college tuition at a North Carolina Community College. Students may apply by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Funding for this program is contingent upon appropriation by the North Carolina Legislature.

North Carolina Lottery Scholarship

The North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship (ELS) was created by the 2005 General Assembly to provide financial assistance to needy North Carolina residents attending eligible colleges and universities located within the state of North Carolina. Funding for this program is contingent upon appropriation by the North Carolina General Assembly.

North Carolina Golden Leaf Scholarship

The Golden Leaf Scholarship strives to increase economic opportunities for North Carolina’s rural tobacco-dependent, and economically distressed areas by investing in students who commit to attend a North Carolina institution, graduate, and return to a rural community in the state.

North Carolina Targeted Assistance Grant

The North Carolina Community College Targeted Assistance Grant is used to offer financial assistance for students who 1) enroll in low-enrollment programs that prepare students for high demand occupations, 2) have disabilities and have been referred by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, or 3) enroll on a less than half-time basis. Funding for this program is contingent upon appropriation by the North Carolina General Assembly.

North Carolina Longleaf Commitment Grant

The North Carolina Longleaf Commitment Grant is available for students that graduated during 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022.  The Longleaf Commitment is a grant program for North Carolina high school graduates who will attend one of our state’s “Great 58” community colleges starting in the Fall 2022 semester. High school students may be eligible to receive this grant - not a loan - for tuition and fees toward a degree or to attain transfer credit. Full-time eligible students are guaranteed to receive $700 to $2,800 per year, for a total of two years. Less than full-time students may receive a partial award. The Longleaf Commitment Grant Program ends at the conclusion of the 2024 spring semester. The student must meet the following:

  • NC Resident as determined by the NC Residency Determination Service,
  • Complete a FAFSA and renew the FAFSA for subsequent year(s),
  • Must have a FAFSA Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $15,000 or less,
  • Must meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) status,
  • Maintain enrollment in at least six (6) credits hours per semester at a NC Community College. 
  • May be used to cover the cost of pre-requisite or co-requisite development course(s) in the first year of enrollment.

*NOT eligible if transferring from a 4-year college or university. (Community College to Community College is OK).

North Carolina Childcare Grant

The North Carolina Childcare Grant is available for students to assist with childcare expenses. The application is online at www.pittcc.edu. Guidelines include the following:

  • First priority given to single students enrolled 9 credit hours and awarded financial aid at PCC in a college transfer/general curriculum.
  • Second priority given to married students who demonstrated childcare needs.
  • Minimum GPA required is 2.0 for previously enrolled students.
  • Child must be attending a legally operating, licensed childcare provider for children from birth to five years of age.
  • Your child must be living with you, (having full custody or joint custody), and your child must be under the age of 5 and not in public school.
  • If you are receiving assistance for childcare from social services, you cannot be awarded this grant.
  • All applicants must be eligible to receive Federal Pell Grant funds.

Funding for this program is contingent upon appropriation by the North Carolina General Assembly.


Federal Direct Student Loans

The following information can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Education at: www.studentaid.gov.

Direct Loans are low-interest loans for students and parents to help pay for the cost of a student’s education after high school. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education (the Department) rather than a bank or other financial institution. With Direct Loans, students and parents can:

  • Borrow directly from the federal government and have a single contact, the Direct Loan Servicing Center, for everything related to the repayment of your loans. Even if you receive Direct Loans at different schools, the Direct Loan Servicing Center would be your contact.
  • Have online access to your Direct Loan account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at Direct Loans on the web at: www.studentaid.gov.
  • Can choose from several repayment plans that are designed to meet the needs of almost any borrower, and you can switch repayment plans if your needs change.
  • The current interest rate for Federal Direct loans may be found at www.studentaid.gov.
  • If you are a dependent undergraduate student, each year you can borrow up to:
    • $5,500 (for loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2008) if you are a first-year student enrolled in a program of study that is at least a full academic year. No more than $3,500 of this amount can be in subsidized loans.
    • $6,500 (for loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2008) if you have completed your first year of study and the remainder of your program is at least a full academic year. No more than $4,500 of this amount can be in subsidized loans.
  • If you are an independent undergraduate student and a dependent student whose parents have applied for but were unable to get a PLUS Loan (a parent loan), each year you can borrow up to:
    • $9,500 (for loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2008) if you are a first-year student enrolled in a program of study that is at least a full academic year. No more than $3,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.
    • $10,500 (for loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2008) if you have completed your first year of study and the remainder of your program is at least a full academic year. No more than $4,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.

Both student and parent PLUS loans are processed upon request with the completion of the PCC Loan Acceptance Forms.  Students through the Direct Student Loan Acceptance form and parents through the Direct Parent PLUS Loan Form. 

Both the student Direct Loan Acceptance Form and the Direct Parent PLUS form is found at www.pittcc.edu. under Financial Aid web page, under FORMS

Requesting a Direct Student Loan

Students must complete the Direct Loan Acceptance Loan form and submit it to the Financial Aid Office.  Students must complete Online Entrance Counseling and electronically sign a Master Promissory Note (eMPN) before funds disbursement.  Both the Entrance Counseling and the MPN are completed at www.studentloans.gov.

  • Students must have a minimum of 6 credits in their degree to be eligible for direct student loans.
  • Students are not loan eligible if they are currently Unsatisfactory under the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.   
  • Complete your Entrance Loan Counseling at: www.studentloans.gov.
  • Fill out your eMPN online at: www.studentloans.gov.
  • In addition to the online requirements, students must complete a Direct Loan Acceptance form, found on www.pittcc.edu and submit it to the Financial Aid Office.

Parent Plus Loans

The following information is obtained from the U.S. Department of Education at: www.studentaid.gov

Direct Parent PLUS Loan
  • Parent must be student’s biological or adoptive parent or the student’s stepparent, if the biological or adoptive parent has remarried at the time of application.
  • Must have completed the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
  • Student must be a Dependent student who is enrolled at least half-time at a school that participates in the Direct Loan Program. For Financial Aid purposes, a student is “dependent” if he or she is under the age of twenty-four (24), unmarried, and has no legal dependents at the time of submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Exceptions can be made for veterans, wards of the court, and other special circumstances. If a student is dependent, then the income and the assets of the parent have to be reported on the FAFSA form.
  • Parent must complete the Direct PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note (MPN)
  • Parent must complete PLUS Credit Counseling
  • Complete and submit the PCC FA Office Direct PLUS Loan Acceptance Form. 
Additional requirements to receive a PLUS loan

Parent PLUS loan borrowers cannot have an adverse credit history (a credit check is completed).

Parents and their dependent child must be U.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens.

Parent and their dependent child must not be in default on any federal education loans, must not owe an overpayment on a federal education grant, and must meet other general eligibility requirements for the Federal Student Aid programs. You can find more information about these requirements in Direct PLUS Loan Basics for Parents at: www.studentaid.gov.

Requesting a PLUS Loan and the Master Promissory Note (MPN)

To take out a Direct PLUS Loan for the first time, you must complete a PLUS Application and Master Promissory Note (MPN), along with the PCC Parent Plus Acceptance From. The MPN is a legal document in which you promise to repay your loan(s) and any accrued interest as well as fees to the Department. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s). Either your child’s school or the Department provides the MPN. Parent’s must also fill out The Parent PLUS Loan Acceptance Form which is currently located on PCC’s website at: https://pittcc.edu/tuition-financial-aid/forms.

If your child’s school offers the option of completing the MPN electronically, you can do so online at the Direct Loans e-MPN website. If you are borrowing Direct Parent PLUS Loans for more than one student, you will need to complete a separate MPN for each one. To complete an MPN online, you will be required to use your FSA-ID.  To create or retrieve your FSA user ID and password, go to https://studentaid.gov.

In most cases, once you have submitted the MPN and it has been accepted, you won’t have to fill out a new MPN for future loans you receive to pay for the educational expenses of the same student at the same school. Unless your child’s school does not allow more than one loan under the same MPN, you can borrow additional Direct Loans on a single MPN for up to 10 years.

You will receive a disclosure statement that gives you specific information about any loan that the school plans to disburse under your MPN, including the loan amount and loan fees, as well as the expected loan disbursement dates and amounts.

Credit check and endorser alternative   

When you apply for a Direct Parent PLUS Loan, the Department will check your credit history. To be eligible for a PLUS Loan, you must not have an adverse credit history. If you have an adverse credit history, you may still borrow a PLUS Loan if you get an endorser who does not have an adverse credit history. An endorser is someone who agrees to repay the Direct PLUS Loan if you do not repay the loan. The endorser may not be the student on whose behalf a parent obtains a Direct PLUS Loan. In some cases, you may also be able to obtain a Direct PLUS Loan if you document to our satisfaction that there are extenuating circumstances related to your adverse credit history.

Loan limits, interest rate, and loan charges

There are no set limits for Direct PLUS Loans, but you may not borrow more than the cost of your child’s education minus any other Financial Aid received, such as a Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan. The school will determine the actual amount you may borrow based on student’s Cost of Attendance and other aid already in place. 

The interest rate for Direct PLUS Loans is a fixed rate of 8.05% (2023-2024). Direct Parent PLUS Loans charged interest during all periods, beginning on the date of your loan’s first disbursement. To find out more information on interest rates for Direct Parent PLUS Loans, contact the Direct Loan Servicing Center.

In addition to interest, you pay a loan origination fee which is a percentage of the principal amount of each Direct Parent PLUS Loan that you receive. This fee helps reduce the cost of making these low-interest loans. We deduct the fee is deducted before you receive any loan money, so the loan amount you actually receive will be less than the amount you have to repay. Dependent students whose parents have applied for, but were unable to get a Parent PLUS Loan, are eligible to receive additional Direct Unsubsidized Loan funds.

How a PLUS loan is disbursed (paid out)

Generally, your loan will cover a full academic year and your child’s school will make at least two disbursements, for example, disbursements will take place at approximately 4 weeks into each semester. In most cases, your child’s school will disburse your loan money by crediting it to your child’s school account to pay tuition, fees, room, board, and other authorized charges. If the loan disbursement amount exceeds your child’s school charges, the school will pay the remaining balance of the disbursement directly by check to the student.  Your child’s school will notify the student in writing each time they disburse part of the loan money and will provide information about how to cancel all or part of the disbursement if you find you no longer need the money. You will also receive a notice from us confirming the disbursement. You should read and keep all correspondence received concerning your loan.

Using the loan for education expenses

Parents may use the loan money received only to pay their student’s education expenses at the school that is certifying the loan. Education expenses include school charges such as tuition, room and board, fees, and indirect expenses such as books, supplies, equipment, dependent childcare expenses, as well as transportation.

Alternative Loans

Alternative loans are private loans made by an outside lender to students attending school (such as personal bank and other financial institutions whom offering education alternative student loans). Often, independent students who desire additional loan eligibility beyond the Direct Student Loan use this type of loan. The student may borrow up to their cost of attendance. The interest on these loans varies based on the student’s credit worthiness.

Students may also defer repayment on these loans until after graduating, leaving school, or dropping below half-time status.

Federal Work-Study

The Federal Work-Study Program provides jobs for undergraduates who have a financial need as determined by an approved needs analysis program. Students maximum award is based upon remaining need.  The students may work up to 20 hours per week and receive paychecks on a monthly basis. The majority of PCC’s work-study students are paid $10.00 per hour. The Financial Aid Office and the student’s supervisor set work schedules, which will vary according to class schedules. Awards are on a yearly basis and are subject to the availability of funds.

Students who have indicated on their FAFSA application they are interested in the Federal Work Study Program will be invited by the Careers Services Office to submit a FWS Application.  The FA Office will review the applications to verify that the student has remaining need and can be awarded Federal Work Study funds. Placement will be determined via the list of interested campus offices and off-campus work sites looking to hire students, as well as, the area that the student has an interest.

Financial Aid Bookstore/Supply Purchase Policy

Students are not required to purchase books at the PCC Student Store. The college, as a convenience to students, provides this service to its students. Students may purchase required books and supplies (as listed on the course syllabus) at off-campus locations without the assistance of aid funds.

Students may choose to use their financial aid balance at the student store to purchase books, supplies and kits needed for courses. Students will have the opportunity to purchase student store items before the Financial Aid disbursements are made.   Each term there is a window of time in which students are allowed to charge to their FA account.  Once a refund check is mailed, students may not charge to their student account any further.

Refund/Student Repayment Policies for Title IV Programs

When a student is a recipient of Title IV funds and completely withdraws, ceases to attend a class(es), or is dismissed from Pitt Community College prior to the end of an academic period, the institution will determine through a Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation whether, and to what extent, any funds disbursed on the student’s behalf is considered as an overpayment. This determination depends upon the amount of tuition, fees, room and board, transportation, as well as miscellaneous expenses incurred by the student up to the last date of attendance as reported by each instructor. Instructors report last dates of attendance periodically each term. The final due date for last dates of attendance is the date grades are due. Once the student is billed by the Financial Aid Office, the student will have fifteen (15) business days to dispute the amount owed by contacting the instructor for any correction(s) to the last date of attendance. PCC mails notifications of any balance due to the address of record in the Admissions and Records Office.

Disbursement of Excess Financial Aid

Disbursement of excess financial aid (aid remaining after tuition, fees, and bookstore charges) will be mailed to the student approximately four weeks after the term/or classes has begun. The Financial Aid disbursement schedule is online at www.pittcc.edu/ under Financial Aid web page, Disbursement Info. It is Pitt Community College’s policy to have periods with no postings and/or disbursements to allow for extended registration and bookstore charging for late starting courses. Students may contact the Financial Aid Office is they are unsure they have funds to cover any late-start classes or books. Class attendance verification is required prior to disbursement of remaining funds. Students may not pick up disbursement checks. Delivery of all checks are by mail, to the address on file in the Registrar’s Office. PCC is not responsible if students fail to notify the institution of an address change.

Academic Requirements for Satisfactory Progress to Maintain Financial Assistance

Federal regulations require Pitt Community College to define minimum standards of Standard Academic Progress (SAP), which students must meet in order to receive the Title IV funds. These include the Federal Pell Grant, Federal SEOG, Federal WorkStudy, Federal Direct Loan, and funds from other federal or state administered programs. (See PCC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Scale .)

The Financial Aid Office completes SAP calculations for all students receiving federal or state financial aid and/or veteran’s benefits at the end of each term. If any student is not making progress according to the SAP guidelines established for PCC students, he or she will be on warning for the next term. At the end of the warning term, if the student is still not making SAP, their financial aid will terminate, and the student will need to file an appeal. The appeal will have to be approved in order to have their financial aid reinstated.

  • All students placed on warning are encouraged to file an appeal in the event that the warning semester is not successful.
  • Students can obtain the appeal form and instructions through the www.pittcc.edu website. On the Financial Aid web page, scroll down to the section titled “Filing for Satisfactory Academic Appeal”.  There students will find the link to the Appeal Application.  Students may also come by the Financial Aid Office in the Craig F. Goess Student Center. The forms must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office by the following deadlines:

Fall 2022 - July 22, 2022 by 1:00 pm
Spring 2023 - December 2, 2022 by 5:00 pm
Summer 2023 - May 1, 2023 by 5:00 pm

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

PCC considers a student who is not on academic probation or suspension to be in good academic standing. PCC then considers the student is making SAP as long as the student is meeting the Cumulative 67% Completion Rate and the GPA. The first term the student does not meet these requirements, the student is placed on WARNING. Federal regulations require that a student receiving federal financial aid of any kind be making SAP.

Good Academic Standing

PCC considers a student who is not on academic probation or suspension to be in good academic standing.

Non-Credit Courses

Non-credit courses and audit courses may NOT be included in a student’s enrollment status for financial aid purposes.

Changes to Financial Aid Awards

Financial aid and loans will be prorated based on the enrollment status of the student (1,6,9,12,15 credits). This will be done by the system automatically. Add Ons, Drops, Withdrawals, Cancellations, and Non-Payment courses may alter the awards a student is set to receive. The system will automatically prorate these adjustments at each Financial Aid census date.

Measurable Satisfactory Academic Progress

  1. To maintain SAP, students must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  2. Students must pass 67% of the courses for which they register. (For example - A student who registers for 12 hours must pass 8.04 hours or if they register for 6 hours must pass 4.02 hours.) This includes all credit hours on their transcript. For purposes of determining enrollment status, students who, at the end of the drop/add period, are enrolled for 12 or more credit hours are considered full-time. Students enrolled for 9 to 11 credit hours are three-quarter. Students enrolled for 6 to 8 credit hours are considered halftime.

  3. In calculating SAP, all transfer credits accepted by PCC will be included in both credits attempted and credits completed for purposes of calculating 67%.

Financial Aid Warning - Unsatisfactory Academic Progress

The first semester that a student does not reach the required Cumulative 67% Completion Rate and/or the GPA. Student may still receive aid during the term of WARNING.

A student can be placed on financial aid warning for multiple reasons. If their cumulative grade point average falls below academic progress standards and/or they are not meeting the minimum required cumulative 67% completion pass rate. Students may also be placed on warning if they reach the 150% Maximum Program Timeframe. Students will be eligible to receive federal financial aid during their warning semester.

Unsatisfactory Academic Progress

A student is placed on Unsatisfactory Academic Progress status once they have been unable to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards for two consecutive terms in a row.  Students in this status are not eligible to receive federal financial aid.  Students may continue to attend the institution but cannot receive financial aid until such time as they have regained Satisfactory Academic Progress.  Once Satisfactory Academic Progress status has once again been achieved, the student is once again eligible to receive financial aid. 

It is much the same way for Veteran Students.  If after two (2) consecutive semesters Veteran students have failed to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress status according to the academic progress policy as stated in the institutional catalog, VA educational benefits will terminate. Veteran students may continue to attend the institution but cannot receive VA educational benefits. When a veteran student’s GPA returns to satisfactory, they may resume receipt of benefits.

  1. PCC places students who fail to meet SAP on FINANCIAL AID WARNING and considers them to be making UNSATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS. Students in this category may continue to receive Financial Aid for the next term. If the student does not meet requirements at the end of this term, their Financial Aid suspends until again meeting the requirements.
  2. All students who have who have been placed on warning and have extraordinary circumstances will be encouraged to meet with the Financial Aid Office in order to complete an appeal in the event that they do not meet SAP after their warning term. During the warning term, it is the student’s responsibility to contact these PCC employees in order to add additional documentation if the student feels the appeal will be necessary prior to the appeals deadline

Maximum Number of Academic Years to Receive Degree

Degree Students should finish their degree or program within 150% timeframe of the published amount of time the curriculum would normally require. (Example - Curriculum requires 75 hours to complete. Students have 112 attempted hours to complete curriculum). For calculating 150%, PCC considers all courses taken at PCC and those that transfer in from another school that apply to the student’s major. If a student has previously graduated from a PCC curriculum, the previous credits transferable toward the new curriculum are counted. All other coursework counts except developmental courses. Students who attend beyond the 150% Maximum Program Timeframe will not be eligible to receive financial aid. Students with special circumstances appeal to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee.

Example: Student graduates from Associate in General Education. Student receives acceptance in Associate Degree in Nursing (69 credits to earn degree). There are 32 credits completed from the Associates in General Education that are applied towards the Nursing curriculum. Only 32 credits (the credits that applied toward the Nursing Program) would count toward 150% (69 x 1.5 = 103.5).

Appeal Process

  1. Students may appeal their suspension/termination of eligibility for Financial Aid only for “extraordinary circumstances” to the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. Examples of extraordinary circumstances may include illness or an accident.
  2. Beyond extraordinary circumstances, student’s SAP is measured to determine if they can obtain SAP in a reasonable timeframe. A reasonable timeframe is defined as 32 credits or one year. If a student is able to meet these criteria, then the appeal will be reviewed. If a student cannot meet this requirement, then appeal will not be approved.
  3. Appeals must be on the official appeals form and MUST have appropriate documentation attached. Appeals will be limited to a total of three (3) per student during their time at PCC. Appeals are reviewed once each semester after final grades for the term posted. The deadlines for filing an appeal are as follows:
    • Fall 2023 - December 4, 2023 by 5:00 PM

    • Spring 2024 - May 1, 2024 by 5:00 PM

    • Summer 2024 - July 26, 2024 by 12:00 PM

  4. Students not currently enrolled may submit their appeal and documentation at any time. Decision will be released for those students not currently enrolled within 7-10 business days. Student’s will be notified via their PCC email of the decision.
  5. All other Students will receive notification by e-mail within four business days from the date final grades are due into the Registrar’s Office.

Procedures for Reinstatement

  1. Students who have had their Financial Aid eligibility suspended may be reinstated in one of the following ways:
    1. By approval from the Financial Aid Appeal Committee.
    2. By enrolling at the college without the benefit of Financial Assistance until the requirements of 67% Completion Rate and GPA are met.
  2. Retroactive payments for previous terms is prohibited while the student was not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Estimated Cost of Attendance

The budgets below determine the cost of attendance for a student to attend on either on a nine-month basis or a twelve-month basis. These totals assist in determining unmet need. The definition of need is the cost minus the Estimated Family Contribution. The Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) calculation by the Department of Education is on the student aid report produced when the student files the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

2023-2024 Student Budget for Campus Based Programs

9 Months
​Living at Home
9 Months
Living Away
12 Months
Living at Home
12 Months
Living Away
In-State Tuition  $2,580 $2,580 $3,871 $3,871
Books/Supplies  $1,500 $1,500 $2,250 $2,250
Room/Board  $4,071 $8,141 $5,425 $10,849
Personal Expenses  $5,530 $5,530 $7,369 $7,369
Transportation  $1,690 $1,690 $2,252 $2,252
TOTALS  $15,371 $19,441 $21,167 $26,591


9 Months
​Living at Home
9 Months
Living Away
12 Months
Living at Home
12 Months
Living Away
Out-of-State Tuition  $8,724 $8,724 $13,087 $13,087
Books/Supplies  $1,500 $1,500 $2,250 $2,250
Room/Board  $4,071 $8,141 $5,425 $10,849
Personal Expenses  $5,530 $5,530 $7,369 $7,369
Transportation  $1,690 $1,690 $2,252 $2,252
TOTALS  $21,515 $25,585 $30,383 $35,807

Budgets are based on the exact credits a student takes each semester. The above charts represent 9-month and 12-month, 16 credit semesters. Budget calculations are based on actual tuition and fees. Variable expense calculations are provided by College Board at: https://professionals.collegeboard.org/higher-ed/financial-aid/living-expense

Other Sources of Assistance

Vocational Rehabilitation

Any person who has a substantial physical or mental condition that prevents employment may be eligible for services from the North Carolina Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services. If eligibility is determined, it is possible to receive financial assistance for educational costs as part of a total rehabilitation program. For further information, contact any Vocational Rehabilitation unit office. The Greenville unit office is located at 101 Fox Haven Drive. The telephone number is (252) 830-8560.

North Carolina National Guard Tuition Assistance Program

Active North Carolina National Guard members who have a minimum of two years remaining as a member of the Guard from the end of the academic period for which he or she requests tuition assistance may be eligible for tuition assistance. Persons desiring information or applications for this assistance should contact their unit representative.

Local Sources of Financial Aid

Students are encouraged to keep in touch with their respective high school guidance counselors in order that they may be aware of various kinds of scholarships granted by hometown civic clubs, church groups, or other nonprofit associations or foundations.

Veterans’ Benefits

The Veteran Benefits Laws provide financial assistance to any veteran enrolled in an approved curriculum and eligible for benefits. To be eligible, the veteran student must be enrolled in an approved curriculum and enrolled in classes required for graduation in their current curriculum. Veteran students must maintain satisfactory attendance, conduct, and academic progress, according to the school standards for continuing eligibility for payment. For more information, please see the section on Academic Requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress to Maintain Financial Assistance.

Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) payments for veterans in an approved certificate, Diploma, or degree program during the Fall and Spring standard term semesters are based on credit hours as indicated below with the exception of Post 9/11/Chapter 33. Post 9/11 Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) amounts are paid based on a student’s benefit level and rate of pursuit (RoP). Mini terms may have a different calculation. The credit hours for summer will vary based on the number of weeks in a term.

12 or more credit hours: full-time
9-11 credit hours: three-quarter-time
6-8 credit hours: half time
4-5 credit hours: less than 1/2 time more 1/4 time
3 or less credit hours: 1/4 time or less

This institution keeps records of progress (transcripts) on veteran and nonveteran students. Official high school transcripts/GED scores are required to show completion and official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions or training are required to get VA education benefits. The Pitt Community College Department of Veteran Affairs Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 - 5:00 PM during the fall and spring semesters. During the summer semester the office is open from 8:00 - 5:15 PM Monday - Thursday and 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM on Friday (appointments start at 8:30am). For further information or to schedule an appointment, please contact the VA Office at 252-493-7323 or 252-493-7332.

Internet Course Policy for Veterans

All VA students applying for and/or receiving benefits at Pitt Community College are to meet the following criteria before enrolling in an internet-based course:

The student must meet with the VA certifying official before registering for the course. Criteria and procedure reviews take place at this time. Student may be required to complete the placement test before registering for any coursework at Pitt Community College.

The internet course must be an integral part of the student’s current program and have approval from the student’s academic advisor. All remedial courses traditional to be eligible. Internet/hybrid remedial courses are not eligible for VA payment. On-site remedial self-paced courses are not eligible for VA payment.

The student will complete a self-assessment test and a test/orientation over the internet to determine their ability to participate in internet coursework.

The student must earn a grade of “D” or better in each internet course attempted in order to enroll in a subsequent internet course.

Regular communication (via e-mail) using the Moodle will be done with the student from the instructors to ensure student success.

Class attendance determination depends upon the completion date of assignments. Class attendance is the basis for VA payments. Ceasing attendance prior to the end of term may result in an overpayment with the VA. Students who receive an “I” must complete the required assignments prior to the deadline as stated in this catalog to receive a punitive grade. Students who fail to complete the class and remove the “I” will be unofficially withdrawn, and the last date of attendance reported to the VA. This may result in an overpayment with the VA.

Dependents of Veterans

The Department of Veteran Affairs offers dependent educational assistance for qualified dependents of certain disabled or deceased veterans. Students receive a monthly allowance based on their enrollment status. For further information, the student should contact the Department of Veteran Affairs, the N.C. Department of Veteran Affairs, the DVA Regional Office in Winston-Salem or visit www.gibill.va.gov.


Scholarships are available to students based on different factors such as program of study, academic performance, need, and county of residence, to name a few. Students apply on-line at www.pittcc.edu. Students should complete FAFSA for consideration for the following scholarships listed on the PCC Foundation website: https://www.pittccfoundation.com/scholarships/pcc-foundation-scholarships/

For further information concerning scholarships, contact the Institutional Advancement Office at (252) 493-7902.

International Education Travel Scholarship (IETS)

The IETS provides students with financial resources to aid them in participating in PCC-sanctioned Education Abroad programs. Scholarship recipients will receive a supplemental scholarship to apply towards the cost of the Education Abroad program (with some limitations) as long as funds are available.

Verification of enrollment as a full-time student is required before awarding of the scholarship.

All students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply:

Current Pitt Community College student

Completed 12 credit hours at Pitt Community College

Have a 2.5/4.0 or better GPA

Have no disciplinary action

Plan to attend a PCC-sanctioned education abroad program

Have shown how education abroad experience relates directly to curriculum (student must be eligible to receive academic credit)

Student must be 18 years of age or have written permission from legal guardian

Knowledge that they must complete both a campus and community share plan (activities in which the Global Scholar shares what they have learned/ gained from the education abroad experience) upon their return from the education abroad program. For more information contact Robin Ashley at 493-7807 or email rashley@email.pittcc.edu.